The Little Red Digest: for August 12

An abandoned underwater strip club was discovered. Giant rubber ducks took over China. Copyright made books disappear. English dominated the world. Texas figured tampons were more dangerous than guns. Yale thought rape wasn't such a big deal. 99.3% of Egyptian women said they'd been sexually harassed. Googling ordinary things got you a visit from the cops. Police in Montreal arrested cyclists for cycling together. Canadian Conservatives used tax money to make ads for oil companies. An American judge sold children into the prison system. American tourists beat a rare octopus to death. Octopi were smart. A mountain lion and a mountain goat fell to their deaths. Two species of butterfly went extinct. Monarchs were in danger of joining them. The Queen was drawn into a constitutional crisis in Tuvalu. She and Prince Charles used their veto over British laws. A house in England hasn't been changed since the '20s. A dead woman sat in front of her television for 42 years. A hoarder organized her stuff by colour. Making pizza in your backyard was illegal in Toronto. Guillermo del Toro loved Toronto with a passion. Charlie Kaufman began writing a Slaughterhouse-Five movie to be directed by Guillermo del Toro. New York City was beautiful in the summer of 1969. People sailed alone around the world. Reuters drastically cut their climate change coverage. Cities tried to be vibrant. Belfast was divided. Sheila Heti wondered why she ever leaves the house. Dustin Parkes explained his transition from a Jays fan into a Giants fan. Rashida Jones and Rob Lowe announced they're leaving Parks & Rec. Tarkovsky films were free to watch online. There was a Society for the Prevention of Calling Sleeping Car Porters "George".


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