Live Chatting The Stupid Grammys

Well, we did it. We're not sure how, but we made it through an entire week—from the last whistle of the Super Bowl all the way to Grammy Sunday—without the bullshit of a single tacky, bloated, over-commercialized American television spectacle to keep us going. But now that we've managed to span that seemingly endless gap between the Black Eyed Peas' halftime suckfest and this week's Bieberiffic, Gagagarish Ode To Some Of The Worst Music Being Made Today, well, as you can tell, our stores of sarcasm and acerbic wit have been replenished. So tonight, right here, starting with the red carpet at 7pm, we 'd love it if you joined us for our Grammy Live Chat. They may have the money and the fame, but we still have the ability to make ourselves feel superior by making fun of them on the Internet.


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