Artists To Watch: Jill Price

Jill Price spent mot of her childhood growing up on the edge of the urban in southwestern Ontario — on that line between suburban development and rural life — with weekends spend camping and skiing with her family. And you can see it in her work. "Farming communities," she explains, "still the 'fabric of our society', are rapidly evolving due to a global economy, suburban sprawl and the invasion of new technologies; all of which have changed the way we acquire, look at, work and describe them." Her most recent work, "Rurbias", reflects that relationship. "[It plays] with old and new iconography to investigate how our culture simultaneously mimics and destroys nature through its industrious design," she says. "Juxtaposing patterns of development against natural environments and ecosystems ultimately works to draw attention to the rural landscapes needed to sustain us."

You can find more information about Price and her work here.

Posted by Carmen Cheung. You can check out all of our Artists To Watch here.


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