Inspire Me Thursdays by Desiree Proveau

Every Thursday, we post one of the "Inspire Me Thursday" posts from Desiree Proveau's wonderful blog, The Farmer's Only Daughter. It's full of style and crafts and lessons learned while growing up on a farm — the kind of stuff that can come in handy living in the midst of the big city's urban glitz and excess:

It's  Thursday! 



Hope you're having a good week...

Thanks for reading!


Desiree Proveau is a farmer's only daughter, now living in Toronto. In the midst of urban glitz and excess, she's incorporates the lessons she learned on her father's farm: to make due or mend, to never use anything just once, and to re-purpose what's no longer useful. She shares her designs, crafty lifestyle, and inspirations at The Farmer's Only Daughter.


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