Songs You Can Dance Around Your Apartment To: The Best of Toronto 2013

It's been a terrible year for Toronto. The crack-smoking Mayor, the summer flood and the Christmas ice storm. But it was also yet another fantastic year for music in T.O. So in our last podcast of 2013 we look back at some of our favourite tracks released by Toronto bands (or Toronto-ish bands) over the last 12 months, including Austra, PUP, DIANA & more.


1. "Reservoir" by PUP
2. "Motorcycle" by Weaves
3. "Summer Dress" by HIGHS
4. "Donna" by Stella Ella Ola
5.  "Baby, I Hate You" by The BB Guns
6. "Appel" by Moon King
7. "Strange Attraction" by DIANA
8. "Painful Like" by Austra
9. "Take Me With Me You" by Christien Summers
10. "Building Blocks" by Newsmen
11. "Stupid Boyfriend" by Dangerband
12. "Asshole Pandemic" by Pkew Pkew Pkew (gunshots)
13. "Zombie Eyed" by The Dirty Nil

Compiled by Adam Bunch, the Editor-in-Chief of the Little Red Umbrella and the creator of the Toronto Dreams Project. You can read his posts here, follow him on Twitter here, or email him at


Anonymous said...

Absolutely love this playlist! The Toronto 2013 collection is a perfect blend of upbeat tracks that make me want to dance around my apartment all day. It's like a burst of energy! Adding Liposuction Dubai to my list of must-haves for a fun dance party at home.

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