CMW 2014: Fitness Club Fiasco @ Baltic Avenue

WEDNESDAY — Deciding what bands to see at CMW can be a somewhat daunting task. With around 1,000 artists to choose from, it is easy to fall into the trap of only going to see names you recognize. Doing so would have you missing out on one of the best parts of a festival like this – stumbling across brilliant new bands that you never would have otherwise discovered. But how do you choose from all of those names floating around the CMW website? We use the same logic we apply to choosing a fine bottle of wine: find some names that make you laugh, and go for it. This logic has never gone wrong with wine, and the same can now be said with my choice to see Fitness Club Fiasco on Wednesday night at Baltic Avenue.

I knew it was a good choice as we watched Fitness Club Fiasco get set up – a five piece from Hamilton (by way of Bristol, originally), with pairs of synths and tambourines gracing the stage. And pretty much from their first notes, we were hooked. These guys have a great blend of synth-poppy goodness that combines gleeful energy with occasional twinges of sadness. At times reminding me a bit of a beautiful mash-up of Postal Service with Mates of States, their vocal harmonies and tight musical arrangements had me wishing I’d found out about them a lot sooner! They sprinkled their set with charming banter, quietly mentioning that they feel like they don’t have a lot fans just yet, then bafflingly following that up by letting the crowd know that they’d made it to the top four finalists in CBC’s Searchlight competition — which, you know, is a pretty impressive feat if you don't have a lot of fans.

With a sound like theirs, it’s obvious that people are starting to take notice, and we think these guys have a chance to be really huge. We hope their fans start pouring in, and you should do yourself a favour and become one soon. You won’t be disappointed.



MP3: "Goldmine" by Fitness Club Fiasco


Fan video by Chris Dacol


Read all our coverage of CMW 2014 here.

Words by Laurie McGregor, a Toronto-based dilettante. She watches way too much reality television and wishes that everyone could all just get along. She likes books, soft things, baking, unicorns, robots and has an unnatural love of vending machines. You can find her posts here and email her at

Photos by Adam Bunch. 


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